Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ladybug Couture Photo Shoot Pt. Two

So, this past Saturday we held our second Ladybug Couture photo shoot and it went wonderful!

Special thanks to all our Ladybugs and their parents! The models did fabulous jobs and I am beyond excited to see the final products of both photo shoots!

Here are just a few behind the scenes pictures from the shoot. :-) To see all, visit me on facebook.

Models: Triniti, Natalie, and Selena

Model: Julia

Model: Ashlyn

Another special thank you goes to Yoga Central for providing an exceptional location.

So, you're probably wondering "What's next?", right?

We are having our Mother & Dauhter Fitness Day on February 12th. At this event, we will be debuting our Ladybug Couture spring collection during our fashion show. (Exciting!) So, check back often. I will release informatiom on how to participate in the fashion show. In the meantime, visit for more info on the event.

Later Alligators,
-Jane Marie

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